Herzog War Initiatives

Since the beginning of the current War with Hamas, trauma and anxiety have impacted all levels and sectors of society – from soldiers to civilians, from the elderly to the young. This has created an exponential growth in the need for immediate mental health care intervention. Of prime concern is providing a secure environment to offer treatment. With major hospitals potentially under fire, no one is safe. 

Recognized as Israel’s leading mental health care and psychotrauma center, Herzog Medical Centre was chosen by the Government of Israel to serve as a key regional medical and mental health center. This is due in part to its secure strategic location, its underground medical facilities and many years of experience.

In response, Herzog is expanding its sheltered hospital while offering intervention programs to meet the need for mental health treatment. Herzog has already considerably expanded its mental health and psychotrauma care to provide outreach services. To date, it has helped thousands of evacuees affected emotionally with trauma and who are residing in hotels.

Herzog Medical Centre will continue to offer ongoing mental health and psychotrauma care as well as refuge for medical evacuees through the following four initiatives:

helps young adults, aged 18 – 25, who have a heightened risk to develop mental illness or who are already suffering from existing disorders.

Training Israeli Mental-Health Professionals in Trauma Treatment

provides attending mental health care professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to be able to treat victims’ trauma and PTSD. 

provides mental health and psychotrauma care for security personnel, discharged soldiers, police, and fire-fighters from Israel’s south and greater Jerusalem area.

provides medical treatment for up to 340 evacuated ventilated patients from Israel’s frontlines during the War, protecting them from missile attack.

Click here to watch a video to find out more about Herzog's War Initiatives