UK Friends of Herzog Hospital is a registered British Charity (1024814) dedicated to raising awareness and philanthropic support for Herzog Medical Centre in Israel. Celebrating its 130 anniversary, Herzog Medical Centre, established in 1894 in Jerusalem, is the oldest hospital in Israel. Today, it has grown to a 550 bed hospital that is Israel’s foremost centre for geriatrics, physical rehabilitation, adult and children chronic respiratory, mental health, psychotrauma care and research. Herzog Medical Centre with its staff, friends and supporters around the world, constitutes a family of individuals who are dedicated and passionate about providing the best possible medical care for all with dignity.
Herzog treats infants from the age of three months until 21 years of age providing them with chronic respiratory care, inpatient and outpatient mental health care as well as specialized rehabilitation.
As life expectancy increases and Israel’s elderly population grows, providing specialized services for seniors has become a critical priority for the medical community.
Herzog offers both hospital and outpatient care dedicated to improving the individual’s mental health and well-being. As well, Herzog provides psychological treatment for trauma survivors through its Israel Centre for The Treatment of Psychotrauma (Metiv).
Since the War, trauma and anxiety have impacted all levels and sectors of society. Herzog has expanded its mental health and psychotrauma care to meet the growth in need of mental health care intervention
The Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences conducts multidisciplinary research focusing on the brain, blending basic and applied clinical sciences.
Herzog’s planned Centre includes a new Educational and Administrative Building, a new Extended Care Centre, a new Mental Health Centre, a new Hospitalization Building, a hotel and a Geriatric Integrative Health Centre.
Herzog Hospital
Givat Shaul Street, PO Box 3900
Jerusalem 9103702, Israel
Tel: 2-531-6875
American Friends of Herzog Hospital
57 West 57th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-683-3702
Canadian Friends of Herzog Hospital
47 Sultana Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6A 1T2
Tel: 416-256-4222
Freunde und Förderer des Sarah-Herzog-Memorial-Hospitals, Jerusalem e.V.
August-Siebertstraße 8
60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Tel: +49-(0)69-595573
Address: 51 Barham Avenue, Elstree Herts WD6 3PW, England
Tel:44-(0)20 8455 8877
Email: ukfriends@herzoghospital.