About Us

For the past 130 years, since 1894, Herzog Medical Center has been Israel’s foremost center for geriatrics, physical rehabilitation, chronic respiratory, mental health, psychotrauma care and research. With almost 550 beds, it is the third largest hospital in Jerusalem. Its Respiratory Care Division has over 200 patients in need of respiratory care and a special Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department which treats children ranging in age from three months to 21 years. Rehabilitation is a major part of our work with 90 beds devoted to inpatient and outpatient physical and occupational therapy.

Continuing with its pioneering spirit in the mental health field, the Glassman Ambulatory Health Center houses all outpatient care. This includes the Community Mental Health Center – which treats 2,000 men, women and children each month, as well as Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma (Metiv). Herzog Medical Center’s Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences concentrates on Neurodegenerative diseases including schizophrenia, depression and other brain related disorders. Many of those treated by the hospital are Holocaust Survivors.

Since the beginning of the current war with Hamas, Herzog Medical Center has repurposed its facilities and expanded its mental health and psychotrauma care to meet the exponential growth in the need for immediate mental health care treatment and support.

The Psychotrauma Center which has treated children and adult victims of terror attacks, and war, is now one of the main faclities in Israel to help soldiers, evacuees and survivors. The Mental Health Center’s successful program to help young 18-25 year old adults at risk now plays a key role to help those who survived the massacre from the Nova concert. Israel’s Ministry of Defense has selected Herzog to serve as the authorized center for the Jerusalem area and south of the country, to treat the mental health needs of wounded demobilized soldiers and all those who served in the security services protecting Israel. 

Herzog has prepared its 260 bed Sheltered Underground Emergency Hospital to accept evacuated patients from Israel’s hard hit war region in the south and north, and safely treat them.

Herzog Medical Center’s innovative treatment and dedicated care has significantly impacted all sectors of Israeli society. From its humble beginnings in the Old City of Jerusalem, Herzog Medical Center has grown with Israel over a century and a half, helping its population to face the many challenges that the country has encountered.