Herzog Hospital work on CNN

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Over the past 2 months the international media has reported on various areas of expertise at Herzog Hospital. One example is this link to a report on CNN that highlights our work on the Jerusalem Syndrome. This was broadcast several times last week. One example is this link to a report on CNN that highlights our work on the Jerusalem Syndrome. This was broadcast several times last week.

In addition, Herzog doctors and activities have been featured on Swiss radio, in France and Germany, WIRED magazine, the Jerusalem Post, and Israel TV. We even had the characters from Israel’s version of Sesame Street make a video of their visit to our Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Dept. In Canada, the Canadian Friends of Herzog Hospital ‘Windows to the World’ campaign has been featured in the Toronto Star and newspapers throughout Canada.This will be an extraordinary year for Herzog Hospital as we near completion of the construction of the new Samson Medical Pavilion, as well as other medical developments that will be picked up by the media.

